

State Grid Corporation of China released the "carbon peak, carbon neutral" action plan

Energy is an important material basis for economic and social development. Since the reform and opening up, my country's energy industry has developed rapidly and has become the world's largest energy producer and consumer, which has strongly supported economic and social development. However, my country's energy structure has long been dominated by coal, with high dependence on foreign oil and gas, and is the world's largest carbon emitter. The requirements for clean and low-carbon energy transformation are urgent. General Secretary Xi Jinping proposed a new energy security strategy of "four revolutions and one cooperation", which pointed out the direction for my country's energy development and opened up a new path for energy development with Chinese characteristics. We should follow General Secretary Xi Jinping's thought on ecological civilization, actively respond to the global climate change caused by carbon emissions, unswervingly promote green development, accelerate the construction of a clean, low-carbon, safe and efficient energy system, continue to promote carbon emission reduction, and lead global governance action.
1. The company's main practice in promoting energy and power transformation
The State Grid Corporation firmly establishes the concept of "energy transformation and green development", accelerates the development of the power grid, increases technological innovation, promotes the transformation of energy and power from high-carbon to low-carbon, from fossil energy to clean energy, and accelerates the formation of green energy. Production and consumption methods, to help the construction of ecological civilization and sustainable development.
We will make every effort to promote the development of new energy and promote clean energy supply. Speed ??up the construction of power grids, invest about 2.4 trillion yuan in power grids during the 13th Five-Year Plan period, build a strong and smart grid, and ensure timely grid connection and consumption of new energy. Strengthen the construction of power transmission channels, the inter-provincial power transmission capacity reaches 230 million kilowatts, and the proportion of clean energy power transmission is 43%, and the optimal allocation of resources across the country is realized. Accelerate the construction of pumped-storage power stations. Since the "13th Five-Year Plan", a total of 21 pumped-storage power stations have been started, with an installed capacity of 28.53 million kilowatts, and the scale in operation and under construction has reached 62.36 million kilowatts, enhancing the new energy consumption capacity. At the end of 2020, the clean energy installed capacity in the company's operating area was 710 million kilowatts, accounting for 42%. Among them, the installed capacity of wind power and solar power is 450 million kilowatts, accounting for 26%, an increase of 14 percentage points over 2015, and the utilization rate has reached 97.1%; 21 provinces and regions have become the first and second largest power sources of new energy; wind power and solar power generation capacity 587.2 billion kwh, reducing coal consumption by 250 million tons and carbon dioxide emissions by 450 million tons.
Vigorously implement electric energy substitution and promote the electrification of terminal energy consumption. Completed the “coal-to-electricity” task in the northern region, and completed a total of 10.63 million households, helping to win the battle to defend the blue sky. Accelerate the construction of electric vehicle charging network, build a highway fast charging network covering 176 cities, build the world's largest intelligent vehicle networking platform, and support the development of the new energy vehicle industry. Carrying out the development strategy of the Yangtze River Economic Belt, actively promoting the construction of shore power in ports along the Yangtze River, a total of 1,203 sets of shore power facilities have been built, and the basic coverage of shore power in major ports along the Yangtze River has been achieved. In civil aviation airports, coastal and inland terminals, the use of electricity instead of oil has been vigorously promoted, and more than 40,000 electric kilns and electric boilers have been promoted in the industrial field. In recent years, a total of 867.7 billion kWh of electricity has been replaced, which is equivalent to a reduction of 480 million tons of scattered coal and a reduction of 870 million tons of carbon dioxide. Electricity accounts for about 27% of the final energy consumption.
Strengthen power technology innovation and promote efficient use of clean energy. Research and develop and fully master UHV core technology and complete equipment manufacturing capabilities to realize large-scale and long-distance transmission of clean energy. Complete projects such as national wind and solar storage and transmission and Zhangbei Rouzhi, and explore new models of friendly access and comprehensive utilization of new energy. Build a "new energy cloud" platform to provide one-stop services such as new energy consumption analysis, power grid connection, subsidy declaration, and transaction settlement. In the field of grid connection and operation control of new energy power plants, it has completed more than 800 scientific research projects, won 12 national science and technology awards, led the formulation of 9 international standards, led or focused on the formulation of 57 national standards and 57 industry standards, formulated 80 enterprise standards.
With the rapid development of new energy sources and the widespread access of new energy-consuming equipment, the operating characteristics of power systems have undergone significant changes, which need to be addressed through overall research. The first is to properly handle the relationship between clean development and system security. A large number of new energy, DC, etc. replace conventional units, and interactive energy-consuming equipment such as electric vehicles, distributed energy, and energy storage are widely used. The moment of inertia continues to decrease, and the frequency regulation and voltage regulation capabilities are insufficient. The power system is in urgent need of innovative development and technological upgrading. The second is to properly handle the relationship between clean development and power security. Wind power and solar power generation are random, and the power generation output "depends on the sky", mainly providing electricity. In recent years, my country's electricity demand has shown the characteristics of "double peaks" in winter and summer, and the peak-to-valley difference has been expanding. From the practical point of view of operation, to meet the peak load demand of the power grid, it mainly depends on the conventional power supply. While vigorously developing new energy sources, it is necessary to coordinate the development of conventional power sources and pay more attention to demand-side response. The third is to properly handle the relationship between clean development and system costs. In order to adapt to the grid connection and consumption of new energy under the situation of "double high" and "double peak", the construction and operation costs of each link of the power system's source, network, load and storage must increase. Research at home and abroad shows that with the rapid increase in the proportion of power generation from wind and solar power sources, the system cost for absorbing new energy will increase significantly, and the reduction in the cost of new energy power generation cannot be fully hedged. my country's new energy resources and demand are distributed inversely. Centralized development and long-distance large-scale transportation in the northern part of the west are more costly. In addition, the low cost of energy consumption is not conducive to "double control of energy" and energy saving and consumption reduction, it is difficult to support the sustainable and high-quality development of the energy industry, and it is not conducive to the strengthening, optimization and expansion of state-owned enterprises. With the large-scale development of new energy, efforts should be made to ease the contradiction between rising energy supply side costs and lower demand side costs.
In the face of the opportunities and challenges of the rapid development of new energy, we must take more determined, stronger and more practical measures to solve the problems of "double high" and "double high" through supply-side structural adjustment and demand-side response. “Peak” issue, and promote the safe and efficient use of energy with clean, low-carbon, low-carbon energy.
2. Research on the path of “carbon peaking and carbon neutrality” in energy and power
On September 22, 2020, General Secretary Xi Jinping announced at the general debate of the 75th United Nations General Assembly that China will adopt more powerful policies and measures, and strive to achieve a peak in carbon dioxide emissions before 2030 and strive to achieve this before 2060. Carbon neutral. On December 12, General Secretary Xi Jinping further announced at the Climate Ambition Summit that by 2030, China's carbon dioxide emissions per unit of GDP will drop by more than 65% compared with 2005, and the proportion of non-fossil energy in primary energy consumption will reach about 25%. , the total installed capacity of wind power and solar power generation will reach more than 1.2 billion kilowatts. The goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" proposed by General Secretary Xi Jinping is a major strategic decision made by the Party Central Committee. It is not only a goal of addressing climate change, but also a strategic goal of economic and social development. The value direction has far-reaching significance for building a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the domestic and international dual cycles promoting each other. It is a major political task.
State Grid Corporation has thoroughly studied and implemented the important instructions of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 19th CPC Central Committee and the Central Economic Work Conference. We deeply realize that achieving "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" is a great practice to build a community with a shared future for mankind. It establishes the image of a responsible big country and demonstrates the responsibility of a big country; it is an important transition to promote my country's transition from industrial civilization to ecological civilization, conforms to the laws of human social development, and complies with the people's expectations for a better life; it is the driving force for my country's economic and social development. It is an important engine of transformation, promotes the "green recovery" of the world economy after the epidemic, and brings together a strong synergy of sustainable development; it is an important measure to ensure national energy security, greatly reducing the dependence on foreign oil and gas, and improving my country's energy security capabilities. We strongly feel that achieving "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality" is a complex and arduous systematic project that faces many severe challenges. First, it is difficult for my country to achieve "carbon neutrality" in a short time. The carbon dioxide emissions of developed economies such as the European Union have peaked, and there will be a transition period of 50-70 years from "carbon peaking" to "carbon neutrality"; my country's carbon dioxide emissions account for about 30% of the world's total, more than the United States, the European Union, and Japan combined , from "carbon peak" to "carbon neutral" only 30 years, must make hard work. Second, there are high requirements for coordinating carbon emission reduction and economic and social development. Major European and American countries have completed industrialization, and economic growth has been decoupled from carbon emissions; my country is still in the stage of industrialization, energy and electricity demand will continue to rise, and there is still a strong coupling between economic development and carbon emissions. It is necessary to ensure the safe and reliable supply of energy and electricity, and to achieve a pragmatic path for carbon emission reduction. The third is the heavy task in the field of energy and power. The core of achieving "carbon neutrality" is to control carbon emissions. Energy combustion is the main source of carbon dioxide emissions in my country, accounting for about 88% of all carbon dioxide emissions. The power industry emissions account for about 41% of the energy industry emissions. The task of reducing emissions is very heavy. After energy consumption peaks, electricity demand will continue to grow with the improvement of electrification. The power industry must not only undertake energy consumption and emissions transferred from transportation, construction, industry and other fields, but also cleanly replace existing fossil energy power sources. make greater contributions. Fourth, power grid enterprises have great responsibility. The key to promoting clean and low-carbon transformation of energy is to accelerate the development of non-fossil energy, especially new energy such as wind power and solar power. About 95% of the non-fossil energy in my country is mainly used by converting it into electricity. The power grid connects power production and consumption, is an important network platform, is the central link of energy transformation, and is the core hub for carbon emission reduction in the power system. electricity demand. Power grid companies are under enormous pressure to ensure safety, supply, and reduce costs, and at the same time, they have an arduous task of energy conservation and emission reduction. The company must have the courage to take responsibility, rise to the challenge, and play an important role in carbon emission reduction.
We have repeatedly conducted in-depth research and put forward the implementation path for energy and power to achieve "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality". The large amount of carbon emissions in the energy sector is the key to achieving carbon emission reduction goals. Carbon emission reduction in the power system is an important part of carbon emission reduction in the energy industry. "Carbon peaking" is the basic premise, and "carbon neutrality" is the ultimate goal. . It is necessary to adhere to the system concept, establish platform thinking, strengthen scientific and technological innovation, and give play to the role of the market. The government, society and energy enterprises should make joint efforts, and all links of source, network, load and storage should work together to ensure the safe operation of the power system, ensure the reliable supply of energy and electricity, On the basis of ensuring the sustainable development of the power industry, accelerate the promotion of diversified, clean and low-carbon energy supply, and efficient reduction and electrification of energy consumption.
On the energy supply side, build a diversified clean energy supply system. The first is to vigorously develop clean energy, maximize the development and utilization of wind power, solar power and other new energy sources, adhere to both centralized development and distributed development, and actively promote the development of offshore wind power; vigorously develop hydropower, and accelerate the development of hydropower in Southwest China; and promote the construction of coastal nuclear power safely and efficiently. The second is to speed up the transformation of coal power flexibility, optimize the functional positioning of coal power, and scientifically set the goal of reaching the peak of coal power. Coal-fired power will give full play to its role in ensuring supply, take on more of the system adjustment function, change from the main body of electricity supply to the main body of electricity supply, and improve the emergency backup and peak regulation capabilities of the power system. The third is to strengthen the construction of system adjustment capabilities, vigorously promote the construction of pumped storage power stations and peak-shaving gas and power plants, and promote the application of large-scale energy storage devices to improve system adjustment capabilities. The fourth is to speed up energy technology innovation, improve the performance of new energy generators in the network, and speed up the promotion and application of CSP technology. Promote innovative breakthroughs in large-capacity and high-voltage wind turbines and photovoltaic inverters, and accelerate the development of large-capacity, high-density, high-safety, and low-cost energy storage devices. Promote hydrogen energy utilization, carbon capture, utilization and storage technology research and development, and accelerate the reuse of C02 resources. It is estimated that in 2025 and 2030, the proportion of non-fossil energy in primary energy consumption will reach about 20% and 25%.
On the energy consumption side, comprehensively promote electrification, energy conservation and efficiency improvement. The first is to strengthen the dual control of energy consumption, adhere to the priority of energy conservation, incorporate energy conservation indicators into performance evaluation systems such as ecological civilization and green development, reasonably control the total energy consumption, and focus on controlling fossil energy consumption. The second is to strengthen energy efficiency management, speed up the transformation of energy-consuming industries such as metallurgy and chemical industry, and improve building energy-saving standards. Taking electricity as the center, promote the integration and complementation of wind, solar, water, fire, storage and multi-energy, and the multi-aggregation and interaction of electric, cold and heat, and improve the overall energy efficiency. The third is to accelerate the replacement of electric energy, support "replacing coal with electricity" and "replacing oil with electricity", accelerate the replacement of electric energy in key industries such as industry, construction, and transportation, continue to promote rural electrification, and promote the application of electricity hydrogen production technology. The fourth is to tap the potential of demand-side response, build multi-load resources that can be interrupted and regulated, improve relevant policies and price mechanisms, and guide various power market players to tap peak-shaving resources and actively participate in demand response. It is estimated that in 2025 and 2030, the proportion of electric energy in terminal energy consumption will reach 30% and 35%.
Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, my country has made remarkable achievements in energy and power transformation. On this basis, speed up the construction of a green energy supply system, continue to increase the proportion of non-fossil energy consumption, steadily improve energy utilization efficiency, and accelerate scientific and technological progress. Energy and electricity are expected to achieve "carbon peak" ahead of schedule. Accelerate the replacement of fossil energy with clean energy, reduce the total consumption of fossil energy, carry out large-scale land greening actions, and comprehensively improve the carbon sink capacity of the ecosystem. Through carbon capture, utilization and storage technologies, energy and power are expected to achieve "carbon neutrality" as soon as possible.
3. Action Plan of State Grid Corporation of China
State Grid Corporation of China will give full play to its role as a "great power" and "pillar", consciously shoulder its historical mission, strengthen organization, clarify responsibilities, and take initiative to build a strong smart grid that is safe, efficient, green, intelligent, interconnected, and shared and mutually beneficial. Accelerate the upgrade of the power grid to the energy Internet, strive to be at the forefront, set an example, and make contributions to the State Grid to achieve the goal of "carbon peaking and carbon neutrality". Be a good "leader", give full play to the role of the "bridge" and "link" of the power grid, drive the upstream and downstream of the industrial chain and supply chain, speed up the clean energy production, the electrification of energy consumption, and the efficient use of energy, and promote the energy and power industry as soon as possible. Low peak and peak; be a good "promoter", promote technological innovation, policy innovation, mechanism innovation, model innovation, guide green and low-carbon production and lifestyle, and promote the whole society to achieve "carbon neutrality" as soon as possible; be a good "pioneer", Systematically sort out the energy-saving and emission-reduction lists in all links of power transmission and distribution, production and office fields, and deeply tap the potential of energy-saving and emission reduction, so as to achieve the first peak of corporate carbon emissions.
(1) Promote the upgrade of the power grid to the energy Internet, and strive to create a platform for optimal allocation of clean energy
1. Accelerate the construction of a strong smart grid. Promote the coordinated development of power grids at all levels, and support new energy sources that are connected to the grid at the local level. At the sending end, improve the main grid structure in the northwest and northeast, accelerate the construction of the Sichuan-Chongqing UHV AC main grid, and support the safe and efficient operation of cross-regional DC. On the receiving end, expand and improve the main UHV AC grids in North China and East China, accelerate the construction of UHV backbone grids in Central China, build a platform for the optimal allocation of water, fire, and wind resources, and improve the clean energy reception capacity.
2. Intensify efforts to transport clean energy across regions. We will continue to improve the utilization efficiency of existing transmission channels as the main content and key task of power grid development. During the "14th Five-Year Plan" period, we will accelerate the construction of supporting power sources, improve the transmission and receiving end grids, and promote the establishment of a long-term mechanism for cross-provincial power transmission. Optimize the structure of the supporting power supply at the sending end to improve the transmission
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